Sunday, April 26, 2009

What are your thoughts on nuclear power?
Many American University students believe that while nuclear power has a lot of potential, it needs to be explored further and controlled properly to prevent accidents. To get a sense of the AU community’s feelings toward nuclear power, I asked six students for their thoughts on the subject. The students were sitting in the Market Place or the Tavern, two food vendors located in AU’s Mary Graydon building. When asked for their opinions on nuclear power, some students said they felt that nuclear energy is a cleaner and cheaper way to get more energy to more people.
I also asked the students what direction they would like to see nuclear energy go in the future, what other types of energy they think should be explored and what the Obama administration should do about nuclear energy. Nuclear power should be government run, one student said. Another student said he was disappointed that recent administrations had not done more to support nuclear power. However, all students interview agreed that there are certain health and environmental hazards when dealing with nuclear power.
Lila Miller, a sophomore in AU’s School of International Service
“I think it’s a good resource, it could be used appropriately. I think that there’s a lot of risk involved and that if it’s properly managed, that it would be a good resource. But there’ so much risk and the nuclear waste would need to be better controlled before we can use it as a valuable resource.”
How can we better control nuclear power?
“I think there should be a lot more oversight and the government should be much more involved in the maintenance and checking and that people should be held accountable. I don’t think it should be privatized, I think that it should be run by the government because I think that they would be responsible for making everything work properly.”
Catherine Manheart, a sophomore in AU’s College of Arts and Sciences
“I also think that nuclear power could, it has the potential to be an interesting source of alternative energy, but that it does have the potential to become really dangerous really fast. I’m from Washington state and we have a huge problem with Hanford and their dumping waste into the river. Which was from a weapons plant, but, I mean, still, it’s just, there are a lot of risks involved especially with how to get rid of the nuclear waste.”
Hannah Oaks, a sophomore in AU’s School of International Service
“I think nuclear power is a good way to move in the future for energy. I think it’s a lot cleaner. There are a lot of drawbacks and there is danger to it but I think that if we develop techniques, in the end, it will work out.”
What type of techniques should be developed?
“I’m not really well-versed on nuclear power, so I just think that those scientists out there should continue to develop and try to make it safe, as safe as possible.”
Adam Marshall, a junior in AU’s School of Communication
“I don’t think I know enough about it, in depth, to give a full analysis of nuclear power. I think that the idea is good, but how to manage the waste is a major concern. And that’s, you know, what I would feel the most, is how we handle the waste and things like that. So that part bothers me about it, but the efficiency of it seems like a positive.”
What other types of energy would you like to see explored further?
“I would prefer renewable. I think wind is amazing. I think that solar power is awesome. You know, you set up the infrastructure and then you just take the energy. There’s no waste, basically, after you establish that. You don’t have to worry about what material or junk going into the atmosphere, so renewable energy is that way to go, according to me.”
James Randall, a sophomore in AU’s College of Arts and Sciences and School of International Service
“I think that nuclear power, if we can find a way to store the material in a safe way, is an under looked, under researched, underfunded and potentially economically and diplomatically and economically viable option, we just haven’t looked into it enough. I’m actually really disappointed in the last three administrations in their approach to nuclear power, particularly the Environmental Protection Agency. A lot of reports that have come out from them have said things like ‘it’s completely workable and has fewer negative impacts on the environment than anything else,’ and at the same time, doesn’t. They don’t go into it and they don’t provide any policy recommendations, and I find that faulty.”
Suggestions for the Obama administration?
“I would recommend a pilot project. I would recommend figuring out the most expensive place in the country to transport fossil fuels to, and build a single nuclear power plant right there to the highest standers and demonstrate to the country and to the world that the United States can and should use nuclear power.”
Rob Watkins, a freshman in AU’s School of International Service
“I definitely think it’s a good way, if they can do it safely, it’s a good way to get power to a lot of people for cheaper with less negative effects, if they can control it.”
The down sides?
“I mean, just like Shara Noble, stuff like that happening. I’ve heard of things happening in California, you know, if they cannot contain the nuclear waste, it’s really bad for the environment. But if they can control it, it’s really good.”

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